Veloce is Italian for fast. Is it "Wisconsin" for fun?
Our editor-in-chief recalls his bachelor party at Veloce Indoor Speedway
SVT_MAN - Jun 20, 2018
January isn't high on the list of "favorite months" for automotive enthusiasts in the Midwest.
The frigid temperatures and gray skies often mean our automotive toys are tucked away for the winter, safe from the evil clutches of road salt. The lack of enthusiast hardware on the street means that automotive deprivation sets in hard and fast for many of us. Yes, it can be rough.
But January 2018 was different for me. In fact, January 2018 was pretty awesome - admittedly in large part because I got married.
But even before that life-changing event happened, January was already off to a great start. You see, a week before I got married, my bachelor party happened.
And guess where my bachelor party happened? You guessed it ...
Veloce Indoor Speedway
Now, most automotive enthusiasts have probably been to a go-kart facility at some point in their life. Unfortunately, many go-kart facilities are horrible and boring. Many go-kart facilities feature slow, governor-limited karts, unenthusiastic employees, and poorly maintained tracks.

- Will you go fast?
- Will you actually have fun?
Let's start with the second question. That's easy to answer: an empathic, "Yes!" Veloce is definitely tons of fun!
But the first question? Well, that's a bit more complicated.
Let me explain ...
If you're expecting to be Mario Andretti on your first lap at Veloce, expect to be sorely disappointed. While the go-karts themselves are quite fast, it's somewhat unlikely you will be - at least not right away (especially if you haven't had experience in a "fast" go-kart). They're no joke: Veloce's go-karts require genuine skill to drive. They're not the slow governed go-karts you drove at Wisconsin Dells growing up. Thus, it's going to take some time to get used to them even if you consider yourself an ace or a hot shoe. As Veloce says on their website: Bring your A-game! They're not kidding.
In other words: manage your expectations, Rookie!
But if you take the time to enjoy the karts for what they are and have fun, you'll not only enjoy the experience but you'll also get faster as you gain experience.

While it's hard to top my wedding in terms of sheer joy, my bachelor party was exactly what I wanted it to be and was an amazing start to a week I'll never forget. Special kudos to my twin brother, Vaughn De Fouw (Tbird800), for arranging it.
Given that I am an automotive enthusiast, it was truly a perfect experience and was an awesome way to kick-off the final leg of the journey to my wedding day. To say I loved the day is an understatement because the day truly couldn't have been better.
The Verdict:
If you're in the Milwaukee area, I would highly recommend stopping by Veloce Indoor Speedway. It was the perfect cure for automotive deprivation in January and it made for a perfect bachelor party. Although it was especially great in January, I know it would be just as fun any other time during the year as well.Need more convincing? Well, I thought you might say that. So I've also provided you with video evidence.
The YouTube video inset below features the final race of the Grand Prix session held at my bachelor party. It was captured on the Go-Pro helmet cam of my good friend who runs Dream Machines Video Series. (Although I must admit that I did the editing on this video - so don't expect too much.)
Even so, what you'll find in the video is 14 laps of high-octane, heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping action. You're sure to find the heated battle between dreammachines (Don Ford), Voodoo262 (Rob Faust), and SVT_MAN (me) to be quite entertaining.
Who wins? Well, you'll have to watch to find out. (I can't guarantee there won't be spoilers in the comments though.)
Pro tip: Make sure to watch just beyond the end of the race for a bit of an unexpected surprise!
Let's just say ... boys will be boys. Now watch the video below to see why you should race at Veloce!