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A Winter Antidote for the Automotive Enthusiast Blues

There isn't much the sound of a 427 cubic inch V8 doesn't cure, frankly.

SVT_MAN - Jan 25, 2022


Its's tough being an Automotive Enthusiast in January.

If it isn't the frigid temperatures freezing you to the bone, it's the gallons of salt on the road wreaking havoc on your vehicle.  If it isn't the sad gray skies, it's the prospect of a blizzard ruining some long-planned event you've been looking forward to. 

At least if you live in the Midwest.

Yes, these Wisconsin winter can be tough - especially for car enthusiasts.  But Midwesterners are a hearty bunch, and we've discovered ways to find ways to enjoy our passion even during these bleak winter months.

Sunshine and Sand fixes a lot.

Sometimes relocating for a bit is the best option of all - and what better place to relocate for a bit than a a warm, sunny epicenter of automotive awesomeness?

After all, Daytona Beach, Florida has been home to racing for over half a century, and the World Center of Speed is a particularly inviting environment to escape the chilly, gray doldrums of a Wisconsin winter for automotive enthusiasts.

So our long-standing partner, Dream Machines, did just that.

Perfection is a 427 Cubic Inch V8

Owner Don Ford and the rest of the Dream Machines crew went down to Daytona Beach to help a client, but - let's be real here - what better cure is there to beat the winter blues than the sound of a gigantic burbling V8 roaring around a track at speed?  There isn't much I can think of, at least.

And is it any wonder that perfection like that is donning a number like 777?

But don't take my word for it.  The video speaks for itself as Dream Machines Video Series showcases the 427 V8 powered C5 Corvette Z06 racecar roaring down the high-banked curves at the Daytona International Speedway.  Sure, there's a well chosen musical score in the video, too - but that isn't what I remembered.

Speaking of Perfection ...

While perfection is definitely an awesome V8, perfection is also something that many of us strive for in our craft, too.

If that sounds like an appealing ethic that resonates with you, I would strongly suggest you check out Dream Machine Detailing for all of your automotive detailing needs. 

When it comes to reconditioning, protecting, and preserving your vehicle, Don Ford and his crew work tirelessly to consistently offer the best possible service and value in automotive detailing in Southeastern Wisconsin.  Check out the services they offer here.

Now, about that video ... 



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