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The Ultimate Travel Rig

Stumbling upon Tom Selleck's uber travel rig

SVT_MAN - Jul 31, 2019


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Peak Selleck

Magnum P.I. was pretty much peak Tom Selleck in my opinion.

Moustaches.  Ferraris.  Helicopters.

Let's face it:

In the 1980s, Selleck had all the toys and island that any guy could ask for.

(Photo by Alan Light)

Selleck's Retirement Plan

But, hey - everybody has to kick up their feet and retire at some point.  So, I wondered - what's Selleck up to these days, anyway? 

And, to be honest ... I'm not actually sure.  Well, more accurately - I wasn 't sure.  But then I stumbled upon this beauty ... and realized exactly what Tom is up to these days.

Behold ... the epic Tom Selleck travel rig:

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Okay ... so is this really Tom Selleck's motorhome?  Eh.  That's pretty unlikely.   

But, you have to admit - with helicopter in tow, if you were someone who grew up watching Magnum P.I., you can see where I'm coming from. 

In reality, it seems pretty unlikely that Selleck would stop by a Menards in southern Wisconsin with a 'copter in tow.  But it's fun to dream, isn't it?  And it does beg the question: if it isn't Tom's - whose it it?   

Who, after all, has a moustache thick enough to pull this off besides Tom?  Maybe Wisconsin has a few more action heroes up its sleeve than I realized.

Ultimate Rig ... ?

In a fantasy world, where Tom Selleck actually owns this rig, I think it's almost perfect.

Almost.  It's just missing one thing: 

The 1984 Ferrari 308GTS, of course.

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Your Ultimate Rig?

Most of us aren't Tom Selleck.  So your ideal travel rig probably looks a bit different.

So ... if money were no object, what would your travel rig look like? 

Post in the comments below!

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Photo 1 of The Ultimate Travel Rig


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