The Guess The Engine Challenge / Day 23
Day 23
SVT_MAN - Apr 27, 2020
Day 22 - Yesterday's Engine Revealed!
Drum roll, please ...Yesterday's engine was a 3.9L DOHC V12 in a Lamborghini Miura SV:

Thanks to Midwest Exotics for the clip.
Day 23 - Guess Today's Engine!
In case you haven't heard, Piston Republic is hosting a 30 day "Guess the Engine" challenge, where you listen to a small clip of an engine running and then guess in our comments section what kind of engine it is.Here's How it Works
Each day of the week for the next 30 days, we will post a new clip of an engine sound.
It can be anything from a Briggs & Stratton go kart motor all the way up to a Formula 1 masterpiece and anywhere in between.
Your mission is to guess what the engine / motor is based upon nothing more than the short audio clip we post.
We want specifics.
Who made it? Engine size? Number of camshafts?
You will post your guess in the comments below!Prizes
You won't believe this ... but you win the satisfaction of knowing you really know your engines and the kudos from your fellow car members!
Isn't that great?
Yeah, we thought so, too.
Day 23 - Guess This Engine!