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National Collector Car Appreciation Day is Today

An obscure holiday for automotive enthusiasts to get behind!

SVT_MAN - Jul 12, 2019


Did you know that today is "National Collector Car Appreciation Day"?

Although it ranks up there with other "obscure national appreciation days that no one knows about," this is one, as automotive enthusiasts, that we should get behind.

Here's the history behind the day, per National Day Calendar:

Each year in July, Collector Car Appreciation Day recognizes the vital role automotive restoration and collection plays in American society.  

Americans have had a fascination with the automobile since the first U.S. horseless carriage was demonstrated in 1893 by the Duryea Motor Wagon Company.  The romance of the motor took us from rough country roads to iconic highways and byways. We stretched our legs and cross the country more independently than ever before. The urge to go faster, fleeter, finer motivated design and ingenuity. 

The automobile appeals to American’s sense of adventure, nostalgia, perseverance, and exploration.  The motor companies tailored their designs to a public that demanded a particular style.  With the Ford assembly line came affordability.  We associate each era with a certain car.  Whether we ride in a Prohibition-era Cadillac Sedan, 1950s era muscle car or our grandfather’s pickup truck, they take us back. 

For a time, the automobile and the horse shared the road amid much confusion. No stop signs existed, let alone signals or laws. Yet today, the collectors of these bygone eras keep history and memories alive. They restore and maintain old metal, engines, and blinkers. Crank, push button or throttle starters that once rusted in a barn, rev to life. Specialists take great care to find the right part or color. From paint to upholstery, mechanics, and welders, any number of skilled artists will put their hard labor to work restoring a single collector car to pristine condition.

This day recognizes their dedication and knowledge for the preservation of a piece of American history.
Posted in the photo gallery is a collection collector cars that were present at the Waukesha's 4th of July Parade.

In honor of the day, post your favorite collector car in the comments!

Photo Gallery

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