Accompanying image for Euphoria is a 1972 Ford Mustang


Euphoria is a 1972 Ford Mustang

Filmmakers Courtis Merry and Nathan Stevens capture pure American Euphoria.

SVT_MAN - Feb 16, 2017


Some car enthusiasts are fortunate enough to have the resources to restore a classic vehicle.

Some car enthusiasts are fortunate enough to have the resources AND skills to restore a classic vehicle themselves.

And then there's the rest of us: those of us who don't have the resources or skills to restore a classic vehicle.

But despair not!

Thanks to filmmakers Courtis Merry and Nathan Stevens, we can still capture that feeling.   In their recent short, Euphoria, we see a 1972 Ford Mustang transformed into a very special and very personal vehicle for Jimmy Stevens.      

See for yourself below.

Euphoria from Courtis Merry on Vimeo.

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