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Donuts for Guinness

Glazed donuts are good, but these are better.

SVT_MAN - Jun 02, 2017



Today is Friday, June 2, 2017, and it's National Donut Day. 

Donut joints all over are offering freebies and discounts today.  And while I can't see much wrong with loving those glazed wonders, when I heard it was National Donut Day, I actually thought of a different kind of donut.  

An even tastier donut.

A donut made with rear wheel drive, 265 section tires, and 4.10 gears.

And who actually makes the donuts?  Well, you might call those folks "donut chefs."

And when you get 75 donut chefs making these tasty treats all at the same time, you call it a World Record in Sonoma.

Happy National Donut Day, Piston Heads!

Keep those wheels turning, that rubber burning, and the shiny side up!



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